The first day of Blaugust, I went through what I posted on the first of August through the years. Now I’m going to do the same with the last of August.
Raid Her Gently — August 25, 2005
Way back in the olden days, I used to chronicle our EverQuest raids with comics on our web site. We used to do EQ-focused song parodies in guild chat, and this comic came out of one of them while we were raiding in Gates of Discord. I’m pretty sure we were very much done with GoD by this date; this must have been when I was copying them off of the guild website and into my blog.
I just wanted to have one of these old “comics” in this retrospective.
Second Life: Mud 2.0 — August 31, 2006
Second Life was at or near its peak of popularity around then, and I stopped by a few times to see the sights. Most of this post was about trying to get it working with Linux. I was going through a big Linux phase around then and I just didn’t care about anything unless I could get it working on Linux.
I don’t really use Linux anymore, but with the direction the Mac OS and Windows have been going, it might be time to give it another shot.
Second Life was like a museum or an amusement park to me. I never really felt like I was creative enough to take part.
Finally, a real use for the PlayStation 3 — August 31, 2007
That real use was to play Rock Band, by the way. I sound like such a stupid geek in this post. I hate it. I think I’ll delete it.
Welcome to the Tanglewood Community Theater — August 30, 2008
Close enough to the 31st. Stargrace of Nomadic Gamers had been making amazing houses in EverQuest 2. I asked her if she’d make a theater for my bard’s house in EQ2, and so she did, putting this amazing stage and dinner theater together in just a few hours. It’s still there, and when I was doing my EQ2-themed web comics, it was the setting for a lot of them.
Daily Blogroll 8/31 – End of Summer edition — August 31, 2009
I loved doing these daily blogrolls. They were a lot of work, but I loved doing them. There are some names in this post that I have not heard from in a long time (like Beau Hindman and Syncaine), and some whose blogs I still enjoy to this day (Syp, Stargrace, Scopique). Fun stuff.
Treasure Abyss: Not your ordinary social game — August 31, 2010
Back in 2010, I was excited to see Facebook turning into an honest-to-goodness games platform. It wasn’t all FrontierVille and CityVille and other Villes. There were a bunch of truly cool games that were interesting and fun to play. That renaissance came to an end when Facebook changed the visibility of posting game updates to friends list.
I honestly have zero memories of Treasure Abyss. I guess it was fun.
DDO: Team Spode is Mired in Kobolds — August 29, 2011
Back in 2011, my static gaming group, Team Spode, was in Dungeons & Dragons Online and having a lot of fun working through the adventures. I did enjoy my rogue a lot
This adventure was the climax of “Mired in Kobolds“, in which we killed… kobolds. And dragons. And got their loot.
Diablo 3 — Rise of the Immortals — August 27, 2012
Team Spode had moved from DDO to Diablo III in the past year, and in this post, I was griping that we had given up on our hardcore permadeath run to restart in regular mode where you could die and not have to restart.
One of our team, and I’m not going to name names, but it wasn’t me, kept dying and so we’d have to start over from the beginning and people were getting tired of it. I felt that the game was boring without it, making the whole game more about playing the auction house than adventuring. This was before they ripped the auction house out. Problem was that we could get better gear easier from the auction house than by adventuring. We’d hardly ever see anything drop that was as good as we could buy for peanuts.
DCUO: The Fortress of Solitude — August 19, 2013
Team Spode was now in DC Universe Online, and we were finally about to start raiding. At one time, in our time in DCUO, we had enough people playing to form raids all by ourselves, but at this time, we still had to find other people. This was before the automatic match making, and usually Spode would have to shout in all the public channels to get enough people to join up.
Now you just get in a queue. It’s a moving away from the social that all MMOs have been doing, until today, grouping with the same person outside your guild or friends list twice is rare.
Designing Crushbone Arena — August 25, 2014
Kasul and I were playing through Neverwinter and Star Trek Online in 2014, and I was spending HOURS AND HOURS designing adventures in the Foundry system for both games, but mostly NWO.
“Crushbone Arena” was supposed to be a wave fighting adventure, but I eventually turned it into a story that had some Steamfont gnomes team up with Crushbone orcs to defeat Lanys T’vyl, who had disguised herself as a legendary wood elf queen come back to rule Kelethin. The adventure ended fighting her father Innoruuk, in the Plane of Hate.
This entire adventure is gone right now because Cryptic shuttered the Foundry system. All those nights and nights of work just gone.
I still have this bit of video. Yes, I am still mad at this. I quit both NWO and STO when they closed the Foundry.
Anyway, going to have to end this post early. Have to get going. Maybe I’ll finish it later