I am super disappointed in myself today. I spent the entire morning working, on Haskell, to parse the input for this problem, but I just couldn’t do it. It’s not that Haskell isn’t suited for it; it’s just that the way I think about solving these problems is incompatible with Haskell.
I’ve looked at the Haskell solutions for the first two days of Advent of Code and they are nothing like mine whatsoever. In fact, I can barely follow what’s going on. There’s a mindset you get with a computer language, where you just naturally think fluently. I have that with Python and Java. I do not have that with Haskell. I dunno. This is my failure, not the language’s.
Anyway. So the deal here is that you are taking a gondola from the tundra island you were trebucheted to yesterday to the place where the snow machine lives. The gondola is, of course, broken. There is an elf fixing it, but they’re not having much luck. Some parts are missing!
To the left here is the sample input, which is the blueprint to the machine we’re trying to fix. We’re trying to find the sum of all the part numbers, where a part number is any string of digits that is adjacent to a symbol that is not a period. In this example, the only numbers that are not part numbers are 114 and 58.
So that’s not too tough, right? Well, I couldn’t figure it out in Haskell. I got like 80% of the way there.
Part 2 of the problem focuses on the “*” symbol, those stars that have exactly two part numbers adjacent to them. They want the product of those numbers to form the gear ratio, and then they want the sum of all those products.
Not super hard, right? Well, for me, in Haskell, it was.
So let’s see it in Python.
import re
from itertools import chain
def part1(data, width, height):
numbers = [n for n in numberGenerator(data) \
if any([isSymbol(data[srow][scol]) for srow, scol in getAdjacent(height, width, n)])]
print ("Part 1:", sum(x[3] for x in numbers))
def part2(data, width, height):
# make a list of coordinates of every '*' in the data
stars = [(row, col) for row, line in enumerate(data) for col, ch in enumerate(line) if ch == '*']
starDict = {star: [n for n in numberGenerator(data) if star in getAdjacent(height, width, n)] for star in stars}
print ("Part 2:", sum([x[0][3] * x[1][3] for x in [v for v in starDict.values() if len(v) == 2]]))
I’m going to use regular expressions, hence importing the ‘re‘ library, and I want to flatten a list of lists like I did yesterday with ‘concat‘ in Haskell, so importing ‘chain‘ from itertools that does the same thing.
Part 1 and Part 2 do as I mentioned above, so not going to dive deeper into those.
# numberGenerator: take a list of strings, extract all the numbers from it, returning a generator of tuples
def numberGenerator(data):
for n in chain(*[extractNumbers(line, row) for row, line in enumerate(data)]):
yield n
Generators are a Python object that return a series of values, one at a time. It’s friendlier than just making a huge list, because it doesn’t take memory, and also because there can be logic around what it’s returning. On the other hand, this does just make a list and iterate through it, so this could just have returned the list, but I only realized I didn’t need a generator particularly just now. Well, there it is. We’ll look at extractNumbers soon. enumerate is a Python operator which returns items and their index as a tuple from a list. So it would return [(0, “line 0 data”), (1, “line 1 data”)] etc. extractNumber returns a list, so chain flattens that out. yield returns the next value. When it runs out of values, the generator terminates.
# extractNumbers: take a string, extract all the numbers from it, returning a list of tuples containing row,
# column, length, and the number itself as a string
def extractNumbers(line, row):
return [(row, x[1], len(x[0]), int(x[0])) \
for x in zip(re.findall(r'\d+', line), [x.start() for x in re.finditer(r'\d+', line)])]
Does what it says on the label. It takes a row of input (and the row number), uses a regular expression to find all the numbers and then another regular expression to find the starting position of all the numbers, uses zip to make these two separate list into one list of tuples, then uses that to make a list of tuples that includes the row number, column number, length of the number and the number itself as an integer.
# given a width, a height, and a tuple from extractNumbers, return a list of coordinates adjacent to the
# number
def getAdjacent(height, width, number):
adjacentCoords = [(number[0] - 1, number[1] -1 + x) for x in range(number[2]+2)] + \
[(number[0] + 1, number[1] -1 + x) for x in range(number[2]+2)] + \
[(number[0], number[1] - 1), (number[0], number[1] + number[2])]
return [x for x in adjacentCoords if x[0] >= 0 and x[0] < height and x[1] >= 0 and x[1] < width]
This returns a list of coordinates that surround the position of the number in the data. The height and width parameters sets the bounds. So it makes a list of the coordinates, then the return statement only returns those elements that are within bounds.
# return True if the character is not a digit and is not a period
def isSymbol(ch): return not ch.isdigit() and ch != '.'
# readData: read the data file into a list of lists stripping newlines
def readData():
with open("puzzle3.dat") as f:
return f.read().splitlines()
isSymbol just checks to see if the character given is a symbol as defined by the puzzle. not ch.isDigit() isn’t necessary for the puzzle input, though I feel it should be there.
readData reads the input file. This screwed me up for awhile because I was initially using f.readLines(), which does not strip out the line feeds, and the code was seeing those as a symbol. That took way too long for me to debug.
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = readData()
width, height = len(data[0]), len(data)
part1(data, width, height)
part2(data, width, height)
And finally, the main routine. We read the input, get the dimensions, call part1 and part2, and we’re done. Part 1 returns instantly, part 2 takes a couple seconds, not entirely sure why it is so slow, but I have ideas on how to fix it, if I cared, which I don’t. Been working on this in Haskell, Python and writing this post for six hours now and I am done.
Edit: I fixed the performance issue. You can see the corrected code in the AoC subreddit.
Didn’t you JUST start using Haskell? Give yourself a break!!!
Does Haskell have a niche? I’ve heard of it but have never actually heard of anyone using it in their day-to-day and I wondered if there’s an industry or specialty where it is considered more or less the standard.
I asked myself this exact question. It’s an obscure language and with Python and Java both becoming more “functional”, I don’t know if it even has a niche. Clojure, another functional language, is built on the Java Virtual Machine and can use all of the Java libraries — same for Scala, another functional language. Erlang, yet another functional language, is widely used in telecommunications.
And yet the people delivering Haskell solutions are experts. I imagine they must be using it daily.
Interesting. And I guess you never know. Once upon a time I worked for a medical device company (it was a heart monitor that you wore for 24 hours while you went about your day) and the software devs built the OS using Lisp and as best as I ever could figure, they chose Lisp mostly for like nerd hippness cred or something. (This is going WAY back, like late 1980s.)
These were the kinds of devs that would throw a house party but would give out the address in hex code or something, they idea being that they only wanted people who could translate hex to be at their shindig.
I looked it up, and I guess there are a lot of companies that use it. My impression was that it was an academic language, like Pascal was back in the day, meant to teach concepts.
Speaking of throwing geeky stuff in things for no reason, check out one of the sponsors for AoC:
it-jobs.de – designed with love for IT ..”””…..””” .”….”.”….” .”…..”…..” ..”………” …”…….” …..”…” …….”
I think you’re meant to decode that…