I’m not really sure what the point of last week’s quest was. We got the Gem of the West or whatever, and the king used it for a crown or something, and there is an orc army involved, but it looks like we’re free to go kill this Witch Lord.
He supposedly was a badass back in the day, but these days, he moves one square per turn and his spells are weak. I’m thinking his glory days are behind him, probably ended just about the time he died. I dunno. We were sent to find the only weapon that can harm him, the Spirit Blade.
It was forged aeons ago by elves in a volcano or something? And there was all sorts of magic and epicness surrounding its creation. But apparently, after all that, someone dumped it in some ruins and tried their best to forget about it.
If I have forged the only weapon that can kill an undead monstrosity, I’m going to be keeping it close by. Just saying. Clearly these people feel differently.
We started in the center of the ruins in a room with doors in all four walls. Beyond the doors were traps, and more traps. Traps that would continuously rain rocks on your head. The rogue tripped them all. He wore a helmet; he was protected. The monk tripped them. Helmet, protected. Our poor elf, though — she didn’t have a helmet and got beaned by each one. Only the dwarf seemed to be immune, or at least, more cautious.
The wandering monster of the day were dread lords, so that put a bit of a damper on our treasure hunting activities. Both the rogue and the monk found themselves well separated from the others, at times, with a dread warrior on their heels, but of course the monk can just shrug off most damage, and the rogue can, well, the rogue can run.
When the dwarf opened a room full of monsters, though, the rogue did manage to make an appearance, and timed things well enough to be the first in the room to search for treasure. And he did find it — the Spirit Blade. Three attack dice, four against undead, but since it was not a dagger nor a short sword, he couldn’t use rogue abilities while using it.
The monk didn’t want it, because he can hit for four hit dice all the time, undead or not. The elf didn’t want it, she doesn’t ever want to be in melee range. It was passed around like a hot potato until it finally reached the dwarf. He also has a four combat die weapon — a great axe — but he guesses he can keep it in case a Witch Lord happens by.
Not sure what’s going on with his left hand in that picture.
It doesn’t feel like the game holds much challenge for us anymore, so I suppose it’s just as well this first HeroQuest campaign is coming to a close. We may pick the game up again in the future, but we’ll be playing another game soon. I still haven’t been told what that game will be — it’s going to be a surprise