Blaugust 2024 and DC Heroes United

Okay, so, big news — Blaugust is back!

There was a time when blogs were well-read and influential. Those days are gone… mostly. One month a year, blogging is celebrated and we welcome a lot more people to the hobby. Some really incredible bloggers, started their career during that month. It’s happening again, and you can join us. I hope you do.

The past couple of years, I’ve been inspired by the goal of writing a post every day. In 2022, I had AI, which was still cool at that point, try to come up with game ideas based on the date. Last year, it was more of a potpourri, mostly whatever game I played that day, I wrote about.

This year, I want to work through my backlog. Not just PlayStation 2 games — I have board games you’ve never heard about, video games both new and old, card games, and other stuff I might come up with. I’m probably going home to California for a visit over Labor Day, so maybe we can get an update from the Left Coast before the month is out. We’ll see.

I kinda expect Aquaman to look like Jason Momoa now.

What about Superman, and Batman, and Wonder Woman?

I stumbled on this Gamefound exclusive by accident; I was looking at a different game, and then I saw this one in the “you might also like…” section. So, I really didn’t like the artwork. I hadn’t played the game system before — the Marvel United: Multiverse game kickstarted last year is only now shipping, and I know little and less about the Marvelverse.

But I read the Gamefound campaign and I started getting excited.

Total asymmetric gameplay. You get your hero mini and their special cards, others choose whatever they feel close to, and you choose a villain. The villain is gonna be more than a match for your team; they tend to up the stakes, turning civilians into allies, stacking up weaknesses, or just going all out to meet their evil objectives if you can’t stop them fast enough.

I started liking the art style. But what really got me backing this — and I did back it — was the insane quantity of heroes and villains they were coming out with. Minis for all of them, too.


Batman. Superman. Wonder Woman. Flash. Cyborg. Aquaman. Robin (Dick Grayson). Raven. Beast Boy. Starfire. The Wonder Twins. Gleek. Power Girl. Steel. Krypto. Supergirl (hey, isn’t she Power Girl?). Jimmy Olsen. Superboy. Lois Lane. Vixen. Martian Manhunter. Black Lightning. Red Tornado. Mera. Booster Gold. Blue Beetle. Wildcat.

Aside from the obvious lack of any Green Lanterns, I think they have a pretty nice set of heroes.


Joker, Darkseid, Cheetah, Lex Luthor, Deathstroke, Trigon, Doomsday, Brainiac, Ra’s al Ghul, Steppenwolf, Despero, Gorilla Grodd, Parasite, Black Manta, Black Mask.

I’d have liked to have seen some villains from Flash’s rogue gallery.

Anyway, the game looks like a lot of fun. It is definitely coming to the table. The last DC hero game I bought was Challenge of the Superfriends, a card game I carried around in my purse and sprung on people when I thought they looked bored. Everyone probably enjoyed it as much as I did!

And it is just possible that I’ll be able to get my hands on the Marvel United game already released… and then we’ll see if DC or Marvel heroes are the most powerful.

My man Flash can literally stop and reverse time, so….

2 thoughts on “Blaugust 2024 and DC Heroes United”

  1. There’s a blogger in my blog list who would most likely have an aneurysm if they heard you mix Power Girl up with Supergirl. That said, there have been so many versions of both of them now it’s entirely possible they turned into one another at some point. I mean, it’s DC. These things happen…

  2. In some continuities, Power Girl was called Supergirl in her home universe… but yeah I put that in to tweak folks. IYKYK.

    I was kinda shocked that they had Dick Grayson’s Robin instead of Damian Wayne’s Robin, and where was Nightwing? I looked it up, and apparently they are taking this from the Teen Titans cartoon. Not watched that. I guess I joined Teen Titans later on.

    Since it looks like they are drawing from cartoon source material, I shouldn’t hold out hope for Jessica Cruz or Jo Mullein to represent the Green Lanterns, if they have any of them at all.


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