I Know What I Did Last Weekend

I feel Palworld really gets the short shrift when people casually dismiss it as just “Pokemon with guns”. It’s so much more than that. It’s also “Pokemon with Nazis”. Those gun-toting Pokemon have something worth using those guns on. That makes it better, right?

The Pal Genetic Research Unit performs illegal experiments on the local Pals. They torture and torment them, rip them apart, stitch them back together, mutate them and all sorts of bad stuff. They are the worst. And the worst of the worst of them is the nefarious Doctor Brawn. He loves his job, and if you meet him, he wants to show you the true potential of your Pals by tearing them apart at the cellular level and putting them back together… different.

The PIDF (Palapagos Islands Defense Force) has been paid off by the GRU and looks the other way. It was up to me to find Dr. Brawn as he’s out and about looking for new victims, er, test subjects, and bring him to justice.

I did find him. And he ran. But he couldn’t outrun my barrage of Elite Palspheres, and I carted him back to a disused base of mine. He offered to heal a sick Pal of mine, so I cautiously allowed him a chance to redeem himself. The Lilmunk I got back was sick and deranged. His maniacal laughter cut off in mid cackle as the soundproofed walls of his force cage sprang up around him.


Zinikir is confronted with a woman from his past

Progress continues in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension. This is a hard game. My usual strategy in RPGs is to outlevel things until the fights become trivial, but the game just doesn’t give much experience for grinding. Most experience comes from defeating bosses.

I’ve opened up the way to the endgame, but I couldn’t make it past the guardian, so back to the story to get a few more levels, a few more attacks, and along the way find out how the world got so messed up. It didn’t come as a shock to find out that some of my companions were more complicit than they’d been letting on.

Zinikir is a complicated guy. In his past life, he was a god. But also, in a past life, he was involved with one of companion Valrika’s past lives. Could Valrika be harboring the missing soul of Zinikir’s long-dead sister god, Yim? I don’t know.

This world’s history is severely messed up, and it was done on purpose.

Work in Progress

I’m still getting ready for CaptainCon this weekend. Snow Storm is one of my last minis to print. Snow is the woman riding him. Storm is the name of the monster. I’ve put a brown wash on him but I haven’t had a chance to go back over it and highlight the fur — it will look a lot better once that is done. I don’t know if I’m going to do the hair around his face. I also still have to do his horns, teeth and tusks and undo the wash on the bare skin. The empty bases beside it are prepared for the Kaltgeists and Ice Dancers that I’ve yet to start. I don’t think those will be ready for CaptainCon. Snow Storm is not currently on the main team, but my mind could change depending on how the model looks when it’s done. It’s a very important tournament with people from across the country, and I want to bring my best.

I kickstarted Paper Apps Galaxy and got copies for Kasul and my son. The spiral-bound flip sheets each contain a level that you work through, carrying your progress into the next page.

This was their third game, after Paper Apps Golf and Paper Apps Dungeon. I got the dungeon one for myself. I don’t think Kasul or my son have played theirs, so I might grab Galaxy once I’m done with Dungeon.

It’s basically a rogue-like in paper form. You can definitely die and be forced to restart, and I’ve already died once. The object is the same as in Rogue; travel down through the fifty levels of a dungeon, and grab the treasure on the bottom floor, the Gemstone of Wenalafid, which, disappointingly, doesn’t spell anything backward.

I support Erenshor, the single player MMO, on Patreon, and was just this weekend invited into the Beta!

What with trying to finish Fantasian and prepare for CaptainCon, I haven’t had a chance to see what’s on the other side of the tutorial island, but I am really looking forward to getting into it. Since the creator allows for blogging and streaming, I will be blogging and I will be streaming.

Looks like there is still an option to have an NPC SimPlayer of my own creation put into the game. I think it would be fun to see Tipa there 🙂 My character1 was accidentally named after an NPC in Misty Thicket, Tipa Lighten, but if I do get her into the game, she’s going to be a duelist. And she is going to be focused on damage number going up.

Pokemon TCG Pocket

Oh fudge, I don’t have time this morning to talk about this one. I’ll get to it. New content drop this week, though, and I am ready with about 200 hourglasses to dive into the pack opening on day 1. I was only able to get the silver medal on the recent Mythical Island event; I got four consecutive wins, but the fifth win with my Starmie deck eluded me. It’s still the best showing I’ve had.

  1. All my halfling characters had four letter names ending with “a” — Nina, Etha, Dera. It was a theme. When I came to make Tipa, I thought I was being original. Then I happened to come across this NPC and knew I’d just copied the name, after all. ↩︎

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