If elections in the US were held today…

Then apparently I’d be voting for Dennis Kucinich. Pick Your Candidate pegged him as holding my position on nearly every issue aside from Net Neutrality. His Wikipedia entry describes him as a vegan who opposes a knee-jerk military response in the Middle East, is for universal health care in the US, and so on. Good stuff. He’s an Ohio representative, and former mayor of Cleveland, so he’s got all the experience he needs to do the job. Opposes the Democratic machine when he doesn’t agree with it. That makes his shifting opinion of abortion rights (was against it, now for it) seem like a real change of heart than a hearkening to the polls.
Too bad I never heard of him, and his chances of winning the Democratic primary are near zero. Why? Because the media thinks every show should be American Idol.
This is how the networks want to run the presidential campaign. Each month, all the remaining candidates get together, and the least popular one would be voted off — the envelope only being opened after the commercial break, with a lot of dramatic lighting and heightened suspense. “Oh, Ron Paul! You have been marginalized! Now you must enter a dance-off with Mike Huckabee to stay in the race!”
 Eventually two remaining on each side of the stage… Clinton and Obama on one side, with electric blue lighting, and Giuliani and Romney on the other side, bathed in red, singing their hearts out as the phone lines open for your votes, or text the name of your candidate to VOTEUSA if you are on AT&T, the New Cingular.
Politics isn’t about choice, it’s about making a good dramatic arc, and keeping eyeballs glued to the tube for next week’s exciting episode.

6 thoughts on “If elections in the US were held today…”

  1. Only problem is – what a candidate says on the campaign trail and what they actually do are often two different things. It’s also easy to say what he would do – but when faced with having to deal with the rest of the body of government who may need convincing – this person may fall very short. You can’t just look at their campaign aspirations – but also their record of follow through to date. Nice to have ideals – but can they make it happen?
    Politics has always been about marketing – even before TV. Whomever has the best gimic. While there are those who make thoughtful choices – there are too many who are willing to act like sheep and just follow the herd. They just fall prey to clever marketing and don’t go beyond that.

  2. I’m so demoralized over the FISA vote that I may just vote Green or Wiccan this time around. Maybe I’ll just write-in Lucan.
    More on topic, it appears I’m a closet Kucinich supporter too. And /agree’d on the media insanity. If I hear another so-called reporter say that Hillary needs to show more cleavage I’ll scream.

  3. looks like i’m for these two:
    Biden 27
    Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge
    Clinton 26
    Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iran – Military Action, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge

  4. According to Kucinich’s campaign, 53% of the people taking that test to see how well the candidates fit their own stands on issues, would be most in sync with Kucinich.
    Survey Makes Kucinich Frontrunner
    Way, way fewer people agree that strongly with any other candidate — no other candidate can even grab 10% of the votes.
    Too bad he’ll lose, sounds like he’d be a great president, if stands on issues were all that mattered.

  5. Dennis Kucinich did pretty well in the last democratic debate I saw on CNN, think it was the one sponsored by the AFL. In general though Obama and Clinton tend to do alot better then him in the polls perhaps because he distinguishes himself too much from the middleground. Think he was the only democrat who said he would get rid of NAFTA instead of amending it.

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