Fourced Answers

Gaff at Trot Line tagged me with this latest meme 🙂 I can’t think of anyone to pass it too, so it ends here, but here’s mine anyway.

Four jobs I have had in my life, not including my current occupation:

  1. Short order cook at Sambo’s
  2. Office Manager at my daughter’s high school.
  3. Supermarket inventory taker
  4. 4. Student computer consultant at UNH.

Four movies I have watched over and over (and over):

  1. Blade Runner
  2. Alien
  3. Nausicaa no Tani no Kaze
  4. Mononoke Hime (yes, I am a big Miyazaki fan).

Four places I have lived:

  1. Renton, Washington
  2. Concord, New Hampshire
  3. Marina, California
  4. Manchester, Connecticut

Four shows I love to watch:

  1. Lost
  2. Heroes
  3. Battlestar Galactica
  4. American Idol

Four places I have been on vacation:

  1. Weirs Beach, NH, home of the Funspot at which the world series of videogames is held
  2. Disneyland, CA
  3. Vancouver, BC
  4. Half Moon Beach, CA

Four of my favorite foods:

  1. Cabbage rolls
  2. Corned Beef sandwhich
  3. Shepherd’s pie
  4. Green pea & ham soup.

Four favorite drinks:

  1. Diet Coke
  2. Ginger Ale
  3. Iced Tea
  4. Lemonade

Four places I would rather be right now:

  1. With my daughter in California
  2. … and back in our house in Marina
  3. … overlooking Monterey Bay
  4. … on a crisp autumn morning.

3 thoughts on “Fourced Answers”

  1. It isn’t that expensive if you don’t live right IN Monterey. Seaside (which borders it and was once part of Monterey — East Monterey — is very affordable). We lived in Marina, about four miles from Monterey, but still on the Bay and still beautiful.
    I didn’t leave because of housing costs. I left because I couldn’t find work :/ And now it really WOULD be hard to get back (unless I could find work there now, somehow).
    I never wanted to move to Silicon Valley. Maybe I should have. At least I would still have been in the area.

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