6 thoughts on “EQ2: Quick Shots”

  1. I had the detail level cranked up for some screenies the other night and found myself going “Oooh, look, you can see the screw heads on my armour…”
    Sometimes it’s the little things.

  2. My computer doesn’t like Screenshot mode. Drops the frame rate to 4-5 dps unless I’m in my inn room. I usually run around with the Profit UI’s “Quality” setting, and I switch it down to “Performance” for raids, which still looks pretty good. That’s the “Quality” setting in the screenshot. I didn’t want to go to screenshot setting (which would have taken care of the aliasing around her wings) because I wanted to get that shot before the lighting changed.

  3. It is indeed 🙂
    You should see Fear.
    Oh crap, that reminds me. There was a lot of talk in the quest text about the disassembly of the demiplanes of Music and Torment. I’ll have to go looking for that. I was going to save that for when I was talking about this quest and not just the screenshot but I totally forgot. Apparently, Saryrn left the Plane of Torment to two demigods I’d never heard of. And since I never did the Ayonae Ro or Performer fights in the Theater of Blood (though I am flagged, if any kind guild wants to take me along on one!), I missed out on all that lore, so I don’t know if the new lore about Ayonae and the Plane of Music for my epic is different at all than that in EQ1.

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