Being Rock Bandidextrous

Wanderlust’s “I Walked” comes on the MP3 player and I think how wonderful that song would be with Rock Band. I should Audiosurf it.
Last night, I strapped a microphone to a broom handle with hair ties, took up plastic guitar and was a one-woman band for awhile; singing and playing guitar at the same time.
It definitely helps if you know the words to the song in advance. ALL the words. Trying to read lyrics as they sped past, keep my pitch correct AND keep the guitar going was a little harder than I expected, but it felt so good to finish a verse, lean back from the mike and go into a blistering guitar solo for a few moments… it was 10x more fun than either singing or guitar alone.
I can’t see singing while playing drums instead of the guitar. Not because drums are harder (though they are), but because playing the drums is almost Zen-like for me — singing would just cheapen it.
Especially *my* singing.

6 thoughts on “Being Rock Bandidextrous”

  1. I don’t know, coming from a heavy bardish background I would likely be unable to play the drums entirely. After pouding a few beats I would snatch up the bass drum and hold it under one arm and start running around, tossing the sticks aside and just slapping at it. Then after several minutes of being under the delusion I was perfoming Selo’s Accelerando I’d look down at the drum with scorn and say something to the effect of “Da hell? ….this isn’t Whale-skin!” and put my fist through it.
    Not exactly the best looking audition.

  2. Remember not to shout at people as you run past, because everyone knows shouts kill.
    For you, sir, I recommend the tambourine.

  3. I’m a truly atrocious singer in Rock Band, but I’m tempted by headset mics, just to try it out.
    I think my wife might like to try vocals+guitar as well. I’ll have to look into it 🙂

  4. Headset mic doesn’t have enough sensitivity (though I suppose you could adjust that).
    But beyond that — using a mike stand — even an ersatz one like the one I made — adds to that faux-rocker vibe in such an amazing way. I may have to go find a mike stand and do it up for real. I’m sure my niece would love it as well (she sings for our Rock Band normally).

  5. I dunno about those static lyrics. I moved to those and they DO help because I can speed read them, but I lose the rhythm. I need way more practice.
    Oh yeah, I finished endless setlist 🙂 me, my sister, my son and my niece.
    Took FOREVER.

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