12 thoughts on “You will want to gouge out your eyes”

  1. Think Geek had some great April Fools jokes this year. So much so that one of them, the Sound Track T-Shirt, is actually going to get made into a product. This one is a little, um, far-fetched.

  2. What, you get people to put a motion sensing, vibrating, video game controller in that physical position, and you think it is going to stop at Super Pii Pii brothers? The (dirty) mind boggles at the more obscene possibilities. Get Dennis Erectus on the line, he can be the product spokesperson!

  3. Actually – it’s Japan – it’s not far fetched at all. To be completely honest with you, real or not it’s pretty tame.
    I saw an ARCADE game (so like…out in public) Japan had created which was apparently very popular. It looked like a little booth with a big rubber human ass under a monitor. Dangling from a cord was a giant foam hand with only an index finger extended. The object of the game was to simulate the rectal torture of people that gave you stress in your life. I think the choices were “Teacher” “Spouse” and “Boss”, possibly others.
    But yea, ramming a plastic finger into a plastic ass and watching the pain-spasms of the 3D-rendered faces of the people on screen doesn’t exactly seem like something you would consider “family fun”.
    Japan: Masters of the Rape-Simulator.

  4. Hehe I like the part that talks about girls being able to enjoy the pleasure of peeing while standing up. ^^ Too funny… I almost wonder if this really is a joke, it’s so hard to believe, I really can’t tell.

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