Sweetflag 1 Year Anniversary Give-away!

DM Osbon over at Sweetflag, to commemorate the first anniversary of his blog, is gonna be giving the presents to us. He’s got UEFA Euro 2008 for the PS3 — world football action — there’s even a cheat mode where you can let England win, from what I understand — and Boom Blox for the Wii, that Jenga-on-steroids-and-with-exploding-stuff game which is the first result of the collaboration between Steven Spielberg and Electronic Arts. Both have gotten rave reviews.
His competition page goes up Tuesday, so check it (and Sweetflag) out, and good luck!

2 thoughts on “Sweetflag 1 Year Anniversary Give-away!”

  1. It’s Osbon…hehe…sorry bit sensitive on that point, am always having to spell it out. Thanks Tipa for the shout out, good luck to those who enter!

  2. Aw, I knew that, Wal-Mart just had a sale on ‘R’s though, so I picked some up.
    You could have become DRM Osbon… so count your blessings!
    (fixed, btw)

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