Guitar Hero: On Tour


I took my own picture of the Guitar Hero: On Tour controller for the DS, but let me assure you — it sucked.
I went to Gamestop hoping to get their free, not-available-elsewhere Pokemon, but they require that you have the National Pokedex — and I haven’t yet finished the game or beaten the Elite Four… so no go for me. I saw that they had the Guitar Hero: On Tour for the DS with its funky wrap-around controller, so, what the heck, I bought it instead.
Played it in the parking lot. Went to lunch at Friendly’s, played it at the table. Came home, played as I roamed through the house (with headphones on, all the time). While Andy was playing through Untold Legends for the PS3, I finished it. On hard. Twnty-five songs and it was over.
Well, that was a good four or so hours of entertainment…
Good things: That controller rocks. So does the pick. The song selection includes some old 70s songs like Doobie Brothers’ China Grove and Steve Miller Band’s Jet Plane. Hey, I was a teenager then, I LIKE that kind of music. Ear buds really made it sound good.
Bad things: My hand cramped up with extensive play, and it still hurts. 25 songs! And the game is very, VERY forgiving. Hammer-ons and pull-offs are SIMPLE and nearly always work. It was hard to follow the action on both screens — the chart is on the top screen, and your score, star power and danger meter are on the other (which you strum).
Weird things: A lot of the time, you can just tap on the bottom screen instead of strumming. Dancing along to music nobody can hear while scratching your DS furiously can make people give you strange looks.
It’s hard to recommend a game that’s so short. There’s little incentive to try for Expert, aside from unlocking more outfits and guitars. It would just hurt my hands too much. So essentially, I’m done with it. My recommendation is to borrow someone else’s. They’re probably done with it.

3 thoughts on “Guitar Hero: On Tour”

  1. Sure!
    Funny thing is, I’m still playing it. I walk by to do some other thing and it is there on the counter, so I put it on, wrap my hand around it and bust out some Santana or Los Lonely Boys. But I know that soon enough, Drawn To Life or Pokemon Diamond or Elite Beat Agents will make its way back into my DS and that will be that.

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