EQ: Haffer Ranger saves Norrath, film at 11.

Well, anyway, if you believe what NPCs tell you, then I am solely responsible for breaking Hate’s grip on the natural world and letting fields and forests alike grow strong and healthy. That’s right, that was me.
If you believe the NPCs, anyway. And heck, I do!
After running around for my epic stuff yesterday, I only had three things I needed — the Swirling Sphere of Color from the Plane of Sky, the Shattered Emerald of Corruption from the Plane of Hate, and the Soulbound Hammer from Jaeil in The Hole. The first two could be multi-quested, so I logged in Brita and went to Hate.
Hate is not the easiest zone for clerics to solo, since the spite golems are 100% resistant to magic like, say, the damage shield I use to wear down mobs, and my nukes. So I had to melee those down. Some twelve foot tall Shadowknight came after me and he had a zillion hit points, and on and on, but I was doing pretty well keeping four named spawn points clear. Second pass through, I got a named, it dropped the shattered emerald, and I was done.
Since the NPC in Plane of Tranquility who ports you to Hate now can port you to Sky, I took her up on that and landed on the first island. Sky is tricky. I got the first key from the thunder princess fine, but on the second island, Azerak island, I’d forgotten you had to kill all the Azeraks before the Protector of the Sky, so when Sirran spawned, he killed me. I respawned, summoned my body, rezzed, went back up there, and tried to make the key to the next island. No dice! I tried again. Nothing!
Ooops. I must have the keys in my bank. So I headed back to Norrath, found in fact I had that key and the next one in my bank, went back up and went straight on through to the fourth island, Pegasus Island. Stuff splits when it dies, I knew that, but it didn’t really sink in until I had three splitting mobs on top of me, as well as that druid named and some other named I didn’t recognize. It was all I could do to keep myself alive, and I barely was, while my DS took down the mobs. I checked corpses as soon as they fell, and when I finally got the swirling sphere, I grabbed it and jumped off the island back to East Freeport, just moments before I would have died.
That left only The Hole fight, a fight I could not multi-quest. I’d figured out this complicated plan to switch between Brita and Tipa to clear the way, but Warmunger offered to do all the hard work of tanking, healing and DPSing, so that worked out well, and Jaeil the Insane handed me the Soulbound Hammer, after a little urging of my swords.
After that, it was a bunch of porting around and turning in, and at the end of it, I held Swiftwind and Earthcaller and an extra AA (so that’s 18 AA total).
Picture is of Etha, my first character and my first epic, with Tipa, my latest character with my fifth epic. Druid, rogue, cleric, mage and now ranger. This is the first epic I didn’t do legit, with real raids. Well, I two boxed a lot of the mage epic, just as I two boxed most of the ranger one…
Anyway, glowy swords for the win, just the first epic of many, I can’t wait to see all of Nostalgia with shiny new glowy weapons 🙂

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