EQ: Tower of Frozen Shadow, Floor 3

After some false starts, the intrepid Tuesday group, full (for the first time in a long time) with the addition of Maromi’s bard, we made it up easily to the third floor of the Tower of Frozen Shadow, the servant’s quarters. Well, I shouldn’t say it was easy. Fada and Hakiko kept getting disconnected. But we did eventually make it with all hands, cleared to the butler room and settled in for a nice camp. Alas, things did not end well. The butler room repopped (two zombies) at the same time Bjoern was bringing back a skeleton and an armored shadow. But that skeleton brought friends, and by the time he got back to us, it was a barbecue. And THEN one of the butlers spawned the Enraged Shadow Beast that holds the key to floor 4, the home of the witch Cara Omica (who also holds the key to floor 5, the Wedding). Anyway, it was an unlucky pull and we wiped. But we wiped knowing the keyholder was up for the next floor.
We summoned our corpses and returned to fight our way back. As we cleared the second floor, we couldn’t help noticing that our healer, Hakiko, was still stuck at the mirror. Crashed again. So we decided to head up and try and kill the Enraged Shadow Beast for the key, anyway. We managed it with only one death — mine — and I got my corpse summoned and rezzed and returned to loot the key with only thirty seconds to spare.
Next week we’ll likely just stick to floor 3 and get some more levels (I got two, now level 38) before we ascend to the invisible mobs and pit traps of the fourth floor.
Sorry, no pictures 🙁 Bad me.

7 thoughts on “EQ: Tower of Frozen Shadow, Floor 3”

  1. I’m sorry I invoked your fear of elitists and unintentionally insulted you by laughing at you on your corpse run.
    I wasn’t mocking your skill, nor am I in any way an elitist – you should already know that.
    I was laughing at a naked halfling and nothing more. Let’s just say the carpet doesn’t match the curtains or the drapes (the carpet being your feet).
    You’re honestly insinuating that if you saw me nude at the soulbinder you wouldn’t laugh? Need I remind you that nude dwarves wear greenish-black shoes with TURQUOISE buckles on them…and PURPLE pants?
    Who wouldn’t laugh at a flamboyant leprechaun?

  2. I’m sorry, Einhorn, but I was on a CR and had to get my corpse, get a rez, campfire back to ToFS and grab the key to floor 4 before it rotted (which I did with seconds left before it poofed), or we’d have had nothing to show from the night at all (well, Tess got a new bp, which was nice). It was just really stressful.
    Actually, I didn’t need to get a rez, but someone rezzed me anyway. So I was snared as I crept through floor 2, hoping my Invisibility to Undead would hold out.
    Just another day of wipes and high adventure in EverQuest 🙂

  3. Sorry guys, the storm was playing hell with my internet all night. I still didn’t have service this morning before I left for work. Did everyone manage to get at least a level? Just as a reminder I cannot make any promises about my availability for the next two weeks (moving and getting set up). After that I will find somewhere to play EQ one way or another. I am talking to a couple of friends about having them play Hakiko for the next two weeks if I am not able. They are cool and one has a lot of healing time in WoW as a raider.

  4. That’s “Maromi“, with an “m”. 🙂
    Here are the screenshots I took last night (though they’re not of the floor/events in question):
    (and I apologize for never hiding the UI when I take SS.)
    It was a great experience, and I feel bad for not having my Wind instruments high enough to use my mezz. I could’ve made the wipe go a little slower at least. 🙂 Glad we got the key though.

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