Получите добро скоро, камрад.

Добро пожаловать, камрады. Мы собираем здесь так, что мы будем мочь приветствовать нашего самого нового друга, Openedge, к палате спасения разыгрыша Москва мемориальной. Камрад Openedge, несчастливо, нет в самое лучшее здоровья. Американское общество жестокосердно к такому чувствительному человеку. Кремль имеет полное веру в его быстром восстановлении.

13 thoughts on “Получите добро скоро, камрад.”

  1. You will obtain good soon, comrade.
    Posted by: Tipa in Of general Good to grant, comrades. We gather here so that we will power greet our newest friend, Openedge, to the chamber of the rescuing of gaming Moscow by memorial. The comrade Of openedge, it is unfortunate, no into the better than the health. American society is cruel to this sensitive person. The Kremlin has complete a faith in its rapid restoration.

  2. It’s amazing when one person sees opposition to their views as a reason to close discussion on them. If we all did that, for Jeebus’ sake… we’d have no blogosphere.
    Poor little guy… must be cold out there.

  3. @Openedge
    After your little display this week, you’ve earned yourself a primetime spot on our next Blog-O-Steria.
    You’re not safe from our spy network comrade.
    Jason (resident drunken idiot of Channel Massive)

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