EQ2: Dear SOE. Can I sit down now? PLEASE?

I have a dozen chairs in my houses.
Why can’t I sit in any of them?
All you let me do is kneel. Kneeling on a chair — or more usually, ABOVE a chair — is creepy.
I can sit down in City of Heroes — they have different ways to sit depending on whether I am sitting on a chair, a bench, off the side of a wall, on the ground — they “get” sitting.
If super heroes can sit once in awhile, why can’t tired, battered adventurers?
I can sit in Lord of the Rings Online. I can sit in World of Warcraft.
If there’s one thing that would make machinema as popular in EQ2 as in WoW, it would be to work a little on the animations. You know, more dances for older races than that weird drunken jig. That’s even worse than the EverQuest butter churn.
Please. Let your people sit.

8 thoughts on “EQ2: Dear SOE. Can I sit down now? PLEASE?”

  1. You can sit on chairs or the ground in SWG. I often sit at a gaming table when I log in pre-YaMB parties before I log out or go afk. FWIW, SWG has a surprising number of features not present in other games. Of course, it has a lot of “dammit” moments too, but for socializing in game, it’s hard to beat IMO. Especially multipiece bands with arranged songs (yes I know LotR has cool music but I don’t know anything about it other than you can play songs that you write).

  2. To be fair, if your engine/avatar system isn’t built with sitting in mind from the start – it isn’t going to happen without looking horrible. Sitting is an entirely different ballgame than any other emote or animation, because it requires your interaction with game objects. If they just “put in” the ability to sit, you would think it looked hideous…with chair arms sticking into your body and the seats halfway into your torso. Not going to happen with EQ2, and if it did – I’d eat my car.

  3. @Cuppy — CoH’s animations don’t interact with the object; they are just the animation. It’s up to you to position yourself so you’re not stuck half out of the wall. I appreciate that doing the sort of sitting they have in WoW and LotRO might be impossible, but just a sitting position that we can work with…

  4. /nods
    Even a ‘sitting’ animation would be an improvement.
    OK, so somebody will end up ‘sitting’ on a dead player and yelling “Hows That For One Cup”! but taht’s players for ya…

  5. Somewhat unrelated to the specific topic at hand, but… what on earth is it with the kneeling anyway?
    Does ANYONE really sit like that? It looks ridiculous. I hated it with the EQ1 Luclin models and shook my head with disgust when I saw it return in EQ2 and then Vanguard. I honestly don’t understand it. I don’t care if the sitting animation is the same for every race, but make it something that at least looks somewhat natural. Indian style like the EQ1 models had was fine, though variety for each race would obviously be preferred.
    Anyone know if there’s actually a reason they use that pose so much? Is there some technical benefit I’m unaware of?

  6. It is the Japanese formal floor-sitting position. You see it all the time in old Samurai movies (of which I am a huge fan).
    EQ had the Japanese informal floor-sitting positions; tailor-style for men, legs to one side for women.
    I have no idea why a Western game adopted Eastern sitting styles.
    Here in the West, we sit on CHAIRS. Which was the point of this post. 🙂

  7. Until my knees totally crapped out, I tended to kneel like that.
    I’d still do it if it didn’t make me sound like a drunk sailor with Tourettes trying to walk barefoot through a room full of Legos whenever I tried to stand up again.

  8. I remember logging into SWG the day it launched. After working through the tutorial and making my way planet side, I found my way to a cantina and found myself almost giddy when I saw people actually sitting in chairs. After years of EQ, being able to sit in a chair just seemed the coolest thing in the world to me.
    I still find myself trying it out of habit in EQ2. I see a chair sometimes and click it to initiate a sit-down, but then remember where I am.

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