W101: Why Flee when you can Sploit? KI, please fix.

In Wizard 101, if you happen to be drawn into a fight you either don’t want or can’t handle, you have the option to Flee. This teleports you to safety, but drains all your mana. It also informs your groupmates that you fled. Fleeing when you are just trying to run someplace and keep getting caught up in battles is okay. Teleporting to random people on your friends list hoping to surprise them in a boss battle for loot or trying to get to a world you haven’t unlocked, and then fleeing — that’s pretty low.
But, at least you lose all your mana and have to run around wisp-hunting or play minigames to regen.
Or, you could just do this incredibly common exploit, which I won’t explain here because it IS an exploit.
You’re back in the city, safe, with all your mana, and best of all, your surprised group mates didn’t get a message that you fled. You just faded away.
This has been annoying me for awhile, as ex-friends port in on me and then slowly fade away from the fight. I make sure that’s they’re off my friends list forever after that.
But I never did it myself. Last night, though, I was helping someone I met finishing Knight’s Court quests with Katzenstein’s Lab. Now, Katty’s Lab is pretty annoying. Mobs criss-cross the streets quite often, so you have to be incredibly careful running through there. The first time I got caught in a fight I didn’t want, I FLED, drank a potion, and ported back in.
The group leader said, why didn’t you just — do this one thing?
Before that moment, I didn’t know about the exploit to flee a fight, yet keep all your mana.
But now that I know what to look for, I see it all the time.
KingsIsle, you gotta fix this, and fast.

1 thought on “W101: Why Flee when you can Sploit? KI, please fix.”

  1. It’s over a year later and this exploit hasn’t been fixed yet. I’m really enjoying reading your blog, btw. I found it doing a search on a problem I was having in Wizard 101 (I forget what now), and now I’ve gone back to your very first Wizard 101 post and am reading them in order. I’m doing that because hearing about your 3rd alt or what you’re doing in Dragonspyre or Grizzleheim isn’t nearly as interesting as reading about the game as you learned about it.
    It’s taking a while to read it all. I haven’t been hurrying through, and have been spending more time in the game. Finished Mooshu over the weekend and have done a little tiny bit in Dragonspyre. I’m pretty sure I’ll hit 50 before the end of Dragonspyre, but perhaps not. I still have a little bit left to do in Grizzleheim so that will help. I’m just a few points away from 46 right now.

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