I feel your pain.

World of Warcraft is a name of power. It summons spam blogscrapers from the mist-filled depths where they lurk, waiting for someone of the mortal world to summon them forth. World of Warcraft. Their noses twitch, their ghastly bone spines quiver, the hunt begins.
I feel most sorry for the WoW bloggers who have to deal with them every hour of every day.

8 thoughts on “I feel your pain.”

  1. Not minutes after I posted, this arrives in my spam filter:
    I feel your pain. | warcraft-related-domain-name.com/9787/i-feel-your-pain | IP: 99.999.99.99
    […] Random Feed wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptWorld of Warcraft is a name of power. It summons spam blogscrapers from the mist-filled depths where they lurk, waiting for someone of the mortal world to summon them forth. World of Warcraft. Their noses twitch, their ghastly bone spines quiver, the hunt begins. I feel most sorry for the WoW bloggers who have to deal with them every hour of every day. […]

  2. I’ve been getting some spam recently as well, ones that get through the wordpress provided filter. I’m sure it will be fixed shortly, but it sure is a pain.

  3. Well, good thing I use blogger, as I see none of this scraping…and my traffic is pretty decent also…
    Hmm, I better get to West Karana numbers…hehe…I need some scrape love!

  4. It’s just hilarious watching all the trackbacks and pings from Warcraft spam blog scrapers for THIS ARTICLE come in.
    Edge, count yourself lucky. Maybe Blogger stops them. Maybe if WordPress hosted this blog, they’d stop them for me. I’m just happy that Akismet catches most of them, but a couple have gotten through.

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