Wizard 101: Money for nothing.

Christmas has come to Wizard City and Felix Navidad is selling Santa suits in Olde Town for real cash.
Someone please explain the sense of selling appearance clothing, like Santa suits, when you don’t have appearance slots? Pi Story sells appearance armor — has appearance slots. Dream of Mirror Online — sells appearance armor, has appearance slots. Every game that has statless appearance armor for sale for real cash, has APPEARANCE SLOTS so you can still wear your regular gear and not have to swap out all the time.
As it is now, buying the appearance armor from the various holiday merchants that crop up is just throwing real money away for the sake of the one screen shot you’re going to take of yourself dressed.
At least it will keep the trunk in your dorm room from getting chilly.
The various wands on offer are kinda neat, all cast a 50 point Ice spell, but since I’d hardly put aside my swords (yes, got another one awhile ago) for them, they aren’t worth anything to me. But might be to someone who needs another wand, and why not choose a cool looking one?
Pets sold for the holiday include the decorated evil snowman I have with me (yup, I’ll buy pets), and an elf (like the ones that cheerfully cast those annoying DoTs on you in battle) dressed as one of Santa’s Little Helpers (not the dog!).
Best pet is still the black cat sold at Hallowe’en, which adds a no-fizzle black cat spell to your deck. The Christmas pets don’t add anything.
Afterward, I went and soloed the Shiritaki Temple instance again for old time’s sake — well, I’d made a really cruel short deck and wanted to try it out. Worked great. The Plague Oni dropped ONE item, and it was a pair of cruddy boots I couldn’t even wear. Sigh.
No news about Dragonspyre in the December newsletter, but they do have the concept art for it in their new Wizard Store.

The Wizard Store, btw, is kinda cool. You can get SNEAKERS with the symbol for your school on them! As well as other stuff. Parents with kids who play — do NOT let them look at the store! Just pick out one or two things for them while they’re sleeping.
I haven’t played W101 in a few weeks, and it was fun to go back and do an instance with a new strategy and have it work so well, but at the end, there was still no Dragonspyre, no quests in my notebook, no appearance slots… so I logged out again. I’ll check in again next month, maybe try for my boots off Plague Oni once more.

23 thoughts on “Wizard 101: Money for nothing.”

  1. Someone suggested this on the forums and a Moderator replied that it’s on the list of improvements. Like you, I didn’t see the point of the clothing but immediately snarfed up a pet. Thanks for your excellent reviews that turned us on to this game.

  2. I was looking at the wizard store the other day, too, tipa. I loved the sneakers as well. I don’t think I’ll drop 50$ for them just yet, but they did look pretty cool.
    My daughter picked up the gingerbread wand and the elf pet. 🙂

  3. @Friendly — wish I had some kids who played 🙂 There’s so much cool stuff there.
    @Saylah — I’m so glad people are supporting wonderful independent MMOs like W101! We all get so excited about the big mega-releases, it’s easy to pass over these little gems.

  4. This is rather off-topic to the post, but I was wondering if you could tell me where I’m able to get a list of the crown prices for the various unlockable areas in Wizard101? I must be a bit blind or something because I haven’t run into it yet — only a list that says which areas need crowns or a subscription, but no actual crown prices are listed. Is the list actually in-game? Also, where I can see all the cool outfits and cute pets I can get? 😀 I love looking at this kind of thing and pondering which ones to get. 😀 Between your posts and Saylah’s posts about Wizard101, I’m creating an account and playing. Heh.
    (I tried DOMO but for some reason I wasn’t feeling it, so I’m moving on to Wizard101 now. I’ve been reading your posts on the game for quite some time, anyway, although I do have to go back all the way to the beginning and read from there because I think I missed the early month or two of posts.)

  5. PS Tipa, not sure if you can see my email (used in this particular comment) from within the Comments section of WordPress, but if you do … I might as well have you send me an invite to create an account, seeing how you’ll get some kind of bonus referrer crowns if and when I do sub to the game. You are, after all, the reason I even got interested in it in the first place. 🙂

  6. Mallika, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a listing of zones and crown prices. I just looked through the official fan site, wizard101central.com, and nothing about them, either. My advice would be to subscribe for a month or two. You’ll lose access to most of the game when you unsubscribe, but you’ll have access to every zone until then.
    I know unlocking Firecat Alley and (I think) Nightside and Sunken City cost 750 Crowns, and I don’t think that includes Colossus Blvd.
    Thanks for the invite 🙂 I’m not sure if they still have it, but you used to get a special, unique dragon pet if you were invited this way (and bought some crowns). Here’s hoping 🙂 And if ya need any help in game with anything, let me know! One of the cool things about W101 is that there is no penalty when people of different levels group.

  7. Hi Tipa, just a bit of an update:
    I was able to still get the dragon! Woo. I thought it wasn’t available anymore since I didn’t see it when I created my character (named Grace Dawnstrider, here
    ), but when I left the headmaster’s tower and into his office, a gift icon popped up on my screen and I was able to claim it. His name, randomly generated, is Lord Henry.
    This is what he looked like: dragon
    And this is what he looks like now: after dye job
    I couldn’t help getting him a dye job. Probably was a waste of gold, but it helps that I’ve gotten addicted to the Sorcery Stones mini game. So fun.
    It’s surprising how not-so-simple Wizard101 is, but it’s kind of fun wandering around just trying to get used to everything. I decided to go Life/Myth because I feel like it’s my play-style. We’ll see how it goes. (Oh, and it’s too bad that the dragon is given out only to the first character you create — I decided to create another just to see.) By the way, is there a way to “respec” if you find you don’t like your choice(s), or are you just basically stuck with it?

  8. Wow, now THAT is a nice looking dragon. Tiger. Driger. I dunno, but it looks cool 🙂
    There’s currently no way to refund your training points so you can spend them again, but they promise that sometime in the future, they’ll add this ability.
    It’s hard to go wrong with training points, but my advice would be not to go too deeply into another school. It’s going to take a significant amount of time to play a four pip or better card in a school not your own once you start getting power pips, so as time goes on, you depend more and more on your own school and less on others, except perhaps the charms, traps and blades that cost nothing to play.

  9. Sorcery Stones is very cool. At one point, I had the second highest score… I wonder if it’s still there. Years of playing Puzzle Pirates paid off in that way. 😉
    I really liked W101, but I’m just no fan of the subscription model. Even their $60/year initial offer didn’t grab me, though it was tempting. Considering that I still play games from five years ago, a 1 year sub just doesn’t work for me.
    Still… I’m keeping my eye on them, and I’m glad that others are having fun with the game.

  10. Once you have completed the storyline quests for Triton Ave, Cyclops Lane and Firecat Alley, you’ll get the quest for Colossus Blvd from Merle Ambrose.

  11. how much is the total amount of crowns needed to purchase the unlockable places in wizard 101 i dont want to purchase it just buy crowns and use them to buy the places

  12. well i dont want to purchase it cuase my parents are reallymean to me and they dont buy anything for me they told me some bad things when i asked them really nicely and they said never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i started crying could someone help me or purchase it for mr r some crowns please if yes then email me to hectorhernandez41@yahoo.com
    PLEASE i beg u

  13. sorry, my answer was supposed to be directed to Mallika (who probably won’t see it but it’s still a good bit of information to have).
    Nicole: part of the starting world is free, but you have to pay in one way or another to go beyond that.

    • No, anything you bought will still be yours. In fact you should be able to get to your home and stuff without a subscription. Try logging in!

  14. well i’m not a sub member but i want my open chat so i thought if i buy a 10 dollar gift card and subscribe it i can get open chat but when it runs out i dont want to buy all the places i bought before with my real money.

  15. Ah. Well, I don’t think you have to worry. Anything bought or unlocked with Crowns will still be yours after your subscription runs out.

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