Adventures in Monopoly: Revenge, Part 2

All this next week will be back to regular adventures in regular MMOs. This comic just forced itself to be written, so what could I do? I’m weak, I admit it.
Poem is in many ways similar to Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”. The font used is RPG Script and was donated for general use by Bad Gods‘ Lore Sjöberg, so for those people who wonder what you can get out of Twitter, hey, the occasional free font.

4 thoughts on “Adventures in Monopoly: Revenge, Part 2”

  1. Wow, that’s uncanny. For a second I thought they had just lifted one of my panels, but they hadn’t. Still, Car and Hat chilling out on their way to Free Parking? What are the odds!
    Nice catch 🙂 I could only wish that they’d actually gotten it from me, though 🙂 Probably just a case of coincidence. Still, if they have a vampire Scottie dog or, heavens, BEAR in there… well, we’ll have to have a chat.

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