Wizard 101: Orin Grimcaster update

Just got an email from Mr. Lincoln, the fine-feathered tech contact for Wizard 101, about my troubles getting into Orin Grimcaster’s lair, the Fleshless Tower:

Good Morning,
Sorry that took so long! I have gone into your character and reset the quest. You should be able to get into the building now. If you still can not please let me know!
Mr. Lincoln

Sounds like I have something to check out when I get home… Any other wizards in the same situation? Mr. Lincoln may be able to help.

1 thought on “Wizard 101: Orin Grimcaster update”

  1. i want to make a website about wizard101 like you. But i don’t know what to put on it. Where do you get all this info about wizard101?

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