Star Trek Online: Welcome to Open Beta!

Sure, I beamed down to Starbase Alpha as a starship, but pity the poor guy who found himself walking around in space without one.
I wasn’t the only spaceship walking around on the starbase, either 🙂
Welcome to Star Trek Online’s open beta!

13 thoughts on “Star Trek Online: Welcome to Open Beta!”

  1. Yeah, its been annoying. I have tried to play all day, and got about 45 mins of total playtime in. Keep getting knocked off or thrown out of game because maps are full. I guess I will have to try in the middle of the night and see if I can get some playtime in then.

  2. Hehe… I got the opposite. The man on the moon: . The space combat is so fun, also could try the Klingons by now. But the stations, ground combat, and the many loading screens between everything… thats really dragging me down. 🙁

  3. As someone who has worked in the MMO industry, how can you possibly support Cryptic’s policy of broadcasting customer account names to the entire server? STO uses this method as did Champions, and it’s baffling how anyone can support a game that does this. As anyone with any MMO experience knows, a user’s account name is half of a hack. With any Cryptic title; all someone has to do is brute force a password try to get access to any account they see speaking in the game’s chat channels.

    • I don’t recall ever SUPPORTING it. It is something they do and I do think there’s an exposure there, so actually I agree with you. Blizzard has a similar deal — but not so bad — with its Battle.Net requirement for WoW, that it be a working email address of yours. Thankfully, they ALSO have the authenticator, which I use, making it nearly impossible to hack.

  4. Unless STO is different from CO, there’s no requirement for your account name to be used in in-game communications. You have an option to set an account handle that gets used instead. For CO at least, it requests you to set a handle during account creation. If you choose not to do that, well, that’s your fault.
    As to the beta, I haven’t had any weird bugs, just generally poor game performance 🙁 I thought CO had bad performance considering it’s graphics aren’t that great, yet STO seems to have even worse performance while sporting a step down in graphics from CO! Yeesh.

  5. Well with the requirement, just use a private email address that you don’t give out. It’s not like in WoW it’s your charactername@accountname in-game.

  6. It it not your accountname that its used, it is your “Handle”. Right now I am Longasc@Longasc – but Longasc is not my account name.

  7. aafter all guys it is called Beta for a reason to iron out all these issue before live, come on apart from some things looks promising

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