Dryroot Joins the DDR

Yes, Dryroot has become a nation of Dance Dance Revolution fanatics…
Dryroot has left the South Pacific and joined a Germanic region with left-leaning politics. I THINK DDR stands for “Deutsche Demokratische Republik”, but that is probably a) not what it stands for, and b) poorly spelled.
Nonetheless, it’s a small region where I can make a dent on some charts. South Pacific is just too huge.
This is their advertisement:
For anyone interested into moving into this region: just send me a message, preferredly in either English or German, though Dutch, French and Russian are also allowed, and after brief evaluation, I’ll reply as fast as I can… Note that any non-left UN-members will have to wait until a left UN-majority is installed before admission. This is meant to ensure that the socialist (left) character of the region is maintain in its UN voting behaviour.