CE News in progress

The first screen of the new CE news page. Will add more as I finish them.

Some might consider using pics of the guild as a kind of a cop-out for a news page. If you’re not in the picture, why would you care?
Well, I AM in the picture. So that’s why.

I dunno. Take a good look at this picture. Don’t read any further, just look at Matriarch Shyra in all her dead glory.
Does she look like ‘she’ has some gender issues, maybe? There’s something disturbingly erotic about that post… On the floor… back curved… and it looks like ‘she’ took ‘her’ Viagra…

This is the ONLY picture I have of Draygun. What could be more BORING that a picture of someone tanking a mob in a corner… Nothing. This is the most boring picture there is. Picture of dead grass? More exciting. Much more.

I wasn’t here for this raid :/