Stupid Stuff I Did With The Rest Of My Weekend

Watched the Academy Awards; followed by placing my characters on the red carpet. I guess I should have gotten a better dress for Nash…
Changed the name of my Guitar Hero band to the suitably necrotic Death2U. I also became a guitar god and was lifted bodily into Rock Heaven for beating the game on “Medium”. Working through it on “Hard” is going KINDA slow.
Cleaned my son’s bedroom in the old apartment. An experience I never wish to repeat.
Tried to get my Miata to San Marcos. Thwarted by an alarm system that I couldn’t turn off!
Found a picture in my daughter’s stuff that she never collected of my gone-but-never-forgotten cat Lochinvar. This is the only one I can remember that isn’t against a dark background, making him seem like a pair of disembodied, floating eyes.
Killed Vule on EQ1. On EQ2, Etha became a level 32 Alchemist, and Nashuya became a level 33 Shadow Knight. Didn’t have enough time to join Day 2 of Molten Core on WoW, but I understand they killed some burning rock critter.