I’ve been spending a few hours trying to get this Asteroids clone to some sort of playable state. Since I haven’t really done anything else blog-worthy today, I guess we’re talking about Phaser.
Games That Defined Me (Part 1)
It’s an interesting question, stated a few different ways — 10 games to know me, or games that defined me. The question has been bouncing around Mastodon for a few days. Here’s mine.
Sam Portsmouth Bridges
I really don’t know what else you would call a blog post on a gaming blog about bridges in Portsmouth, NH. It’s introduction week, so get ready.
The Legend of Windfyre
I’m off to New Hampshire for the day, so here’s a story about Windfyre, the dragon that lives in New Hampshire’s White Mountains.
I killed a wolf and all I got was this stupid broken claw
Why do you have to kill a hundred deer to get one antler? There’s got to be a better way.