Lord of the Rings Online is a casual MMO very much in the mold of World of Warcraft. After the stress test ended, I hoped I could play some more and will likely pre-order it. I don’t see this becoming my primary game, but I usually have a “serious” game and a “relax” game. My serious game at the moment is EverQuest 2. LotRO is well placed to be my “relax” game.
Here are the pros and cons I saw in my six or so total hours of play over the weekend.
Avenue Q
The song “The Internet is for Porn” is from the Broadway “adult” “full frontal puppet nudity” Sesame Street homage, Avenue Q.
Bloglines: The Internet is Made for Porn
Day 1: Bloglines releases the Bloglines Image Wall, a dynamic collage of images taken from the blogs they index as they index them. Day 2: Teachers, librarians and parents of young children discover the content of a large portion of the images Bloglines finds on the blogs they index…
LotRO Stress Test: The Shire
Returned to the game only to be put in a queue. The game initially said it would be fifteen minutes before I got in the game, but it was more like five. I hate queues. Not for the first time, I wonder what “Game Experience May Change During Online Play” really means.
EQ2: Why I Won’t Watch an EverQuest Movie
I just heard the news that SOE might be considering an EverQuest movie.
Now, I love EverQuest and have been playing since 1999; nearly eight years devoted to that game or its sequel. But you won’t find me warming a chair when it opens. I’ll tell you why.