No kidding: I bought (and sold) an NFT.
Turns out there might be at least one use case for the things.
Come for the games, stay for the drama.
Turns out there might be at least one use case for the things.
Ever like a web comic that satirizes Dungeons and Dragons so much that you wanted to play as those characters in a board game? You’re in luck — “The Order of the Stick: The Dungeon of Dorukan” is here.
Header pic has nothing to do with this comic. Header pic was based off an old John Varley story. My sister had gone to Germany, and she brought me back a German Monopoly set, so it was always going to eventually show up here. The German set didn’t have metal playing pieces. The German dialog … Read more
The first part to the comic in the header image was over here, and the second part was right over there. In this comic, I’d finally realized that poor lighting wasn’t something I could fix in Picasa, and what I really needed was just a lot of lights. I’d started buying custom fonts to give … Read more
The first panel of this header comic was posted last week, and the third part will be posted next week. They were used in one of my old Daily Blogrolls Darkfall was a huge game when I wrote the next three comics. It was developed by Aventurine in collaboration with the government of Greece; … Read more