Some games will last forever, if you let them. You expect that in an MMO, but with mobile gacha games — when do you just decide it’s time to move on?
final fantasy
Once, I had a life. Now, I have Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
I haven’t played the sequel to my favorite Final Fantasy game, Final Fantasy Tactics, in ages. And even when I played it before, back in the Gameboy Advance days, I never got that far into it — the tiny screen just didn’t work for JRPGs for me. So I spent a lot of money getting a Nintendo DS — the one with the GBA slot — and a complete copy of the game, and decided to give it another shot.
I didn’t know what I was getting into.
New World: Kochają nas w Polsce!
New World has been released for just a week. It is way, way too early to start forecasting any sort of trends from this.
Like, that’s ever stopped me before.
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins
Some call me a Warrior of Light. Some call me a renegade. Some call me when Chaos rears its corrupted head. But you can call me Garland. Jack Garland. I’m the one they call when there’s nobody else.
FF3 Complete!
24.8 hours to finish Final Fantasy III. I spent so much time preparing so much for the World of Darkness… and those preparations worked out really well.
Here’s how we defeated the Cloud of Darkness and their feckless minion, Xande.