FF1: Garland, Hero of the Empire!

Welcome to Blaugust 2nd and the first day of our Final Fantasy 1 playthrough!

Garland is the first boss the Warriors of Light meet in Final Fantasy 1. Once a hero, he has kidnapped Princess Sarah and taken her to the Chaos Shrine, there to do evil things. What happened to make him this way? Our Final Fantasy playthrough starts with our party meeting this fallen angel…

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The RPG Challenge: Final Fantasy

It’s the first of Blaugust! The week where a lot of game bloggers come together and… blog… to show the world just how much fun typing can be 🙂

So, for this month, I’ll be playing the first Final Fantasy game. I never had a NES, so I never played it when it first came out. My first Final Fantasy game was Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, which wasn’t even really a Final Fantasy game.

The remastered versions of the first three games (none of which were originally released in the United States) have been “pixel remastered” for the PC and released on Steam. So, for the next thirty one days, I will be journeying through Final Fantasy for the first time, and blogging about it here. We’ll see what other things come up along the way. I hope you’ll join me.

This will not be a walkthrough of Final Fantasy, I promise… well, not only that.

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Blaugust #18: The Island of Unfinished Games

Sorry, I just spent the last half hour looking for exactly the best song I remembered from Martin Mull which was… perfect for this writing prompt. And that took me down a rabbit hole with Martin jamming with Glen Campbell (awesome!), and then I got to watching more YouTube and now it’s forty minutes until … Read more