Battlestar Galactica Webisodes

I’ve been in and out of the SciFi Channel’s website for the past couple of weeks working on my Who Wants to be a Superhero article; I’m surprised I didn’t see that Battlestar Galactica would be showing little “webisodes” leading up to the beginning of the third season on October 6th. The first one, posted … Read more

Dead Like Me, Eureka, Who Wants to be a Superhero?

I’m kinda actually enjoying the SciFi channel now and then. Since I have a reliable way to see TV listings, I can deftly avoid accidentally tuning into Stargate – it used to be “all Stargate, all the time”, and I just can’t watch that show. It’s a shame… I liked the movie. Dead Like Me … Read more

Eureka: All Icing, No Cake

Sat down in anticipation last night for Eureka, the SciFi channel’s newest show. I turned on the TV a little early and caught the end of “Dead Like Me”, where a young woman is just getting started in her new job as the Grim Reaper, with Mandy Patinkin as her mentor. The bits I saw … Read more

Made In Eureka

Who’d have thought a sleepy little Northern California lumber town would become the setting for a new Sci-Fi TV show? Actually, I dunno if Eureka, the TV show, has anything to do with Eureka, California (one is SF and one is north of SF…). The teaser commercials remind me a lot of the upcoming Doctor … Read more