Assault on the Inbox

Another week, another truckload of gaming press releases. Bioware announces their new downloadable content for their Dragon Age RPG, “The Darkspawn Chronicles“. Meant as an alternate story — one where your character from Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening dies during the Grey Warden initiation — here you command the forces of the Darkspawn against the … Read more

Legends of Zork: Post-mortem

I loved the IDEA of a modern, casual update to the classic Infocom adventure game, Zork. The devious puzzles, the humor, the sense that something wondrous (or at least hilarious) was right around the corner, but mostly the puzzles. We’d get together in UNH’s McConnell computer cluster and try to figure them out — for … Read more

Daily Blogroll 9/3 – Sushi day edition!

I’ve been thinking of swapping my sidekick in Legends of Zork from the Gent (who made me essentially immune to traps) to the Accountant (who earns interest on your stash) for awhile. It kinda disappointed me that they nerfed her — it used to be that having her in your base would soon make you … Read more

Legends of Zork group quests fixed

Actually, the folks at Jolt claimed to have fixed group quests for this hands-off browser RPG weeks ago, and maybe they did, but my first couple experiences with it were just our group wiping to every single monster and coming out of the whole thing missing a lot of action points and with no xp … Read more

Legends of Zork: We have a Clan!

Yeah, I *know* Legends of Zork is a “ProgressQuest”-like achiever game where you grind meaningless combat again and again to earn gold for gear that you will wear so you can return to the grind to replace it. But aren’t most RPGs like that? Just because you know there’s a man behind the curtain, doesn’t … Read more