I asked OpenAI’s GPT-3 to generate 31 different videogame ideas, one for each day of Blaugust, each dealing in some way with that particular day of the month. Here’s its idea for August 25th, “25 Cents: The Age of the Arcade”.
FFXIV: How I Ruined a Realm Reborn…
I really wanted to title this post, “FFXIV: Who Hurt You To Make You Do This?”. I didn’t, because I knew the answer. It was me. I’m to blame.
Ship of Heroes: Mission Beta Feedback
City of Heroes INNN SPAAAAAAACE MMO Ship of Heroes posted an update on this summer’s “MIssion Beta”, in which I and apparently many, many others participated…
EQOA: Desperately Seeking Skandalf
I didn’t know what to expect when I logged into EverQuest Online Adventures for the first time. When a dark elf cleric named Skandalf started following me around, healing me when I fought anything, I thought she was a bot. But now, I’m not so sure.