Friday’s dev “Webinar” was beset by a number of technical problems — for the first half hour, all I could hear was the software repeating in a pleasant voice that the organizers hadn’t yet joined the webinar, though I could see them moving things around on the screen. After two restarts, I finally was able to hear what was going on.
Discussion centered largely around a few questions. First, what should the new max level for the free content be? Almost everyone agreed that 7 was too low; between levels 10 and 12 seemed to be the new ‘sweet spot’. Second, should Spellborn allow auto attack? Currently, unless you are mashing buttons, you are not doing anything. This would let you do a certain amount of damage automatically. There was violent opposition to this.
Mounts are coming, as are cloaks with your guild symbol on it.
Transcript of the text portion of the chat below. Enjoy!