EQ2: Nights of the Dead

I enjoyed the Guild Wars 2 Halloween celebration, what I saw of it. I might as well have just stayed hidden at the side of the fight and just watched, because I was too low level to contribute (even though artificially leveled to 80 for the event). Folks were reminiscing about the Halloween celebrations in … Read more

EQ2: I wonder what he eats…

When you think about it, Fae are just the right size to be eaten in one gulp by the EverQuest 2 jumping lizard mounts. I’m too terrified to dismount, and so I leap from place to place within Lesser Faydark, death from above for the invader Tier’Dal who nonetheless managed to drag me from my … Read more

EQ2: What, no SWTOR?

I do WANT to play Bioware’s Star Wars: The Old Republic. I WILL play it. Just… not right now. I’m not in a good place with MMOs at the moment. See, I’ve just spent a month playing Skyrim, and it’s left quite an impression. I just don’t know if I can play a tightly scripted … Read more

From “The Only MMO is WoW” dept.:

There’s probably worthwhile studies to be done on the MMORPG phenomenon. The games of the genre are designed to keep you interested and engaged for thousands of hours. The game itself is a potential setting for the formation of a long-lasting community that could extend far beyond the game realm. MMOs have provoked real life … Read more