Nostalgia: Paludal Caverns, Mistmoore LDoNs and … Darklight Woods?

Last Tuesday, the second progression gathered for our second time in Paludal Caverns. Back In The Day… I start out so many sentences about the EQ groups that way? And yet, you really can’t go to these old places without saying that a lot. Every camp we moved to carried with it a dozen memories. … Read more

EQ: Death by Goblin

The goblin spawner got stopped up. That’s the only explanation why we were sitting in the King room in Sol A, mindin our own business, when suddenly seven, eight, ten goblins were dancing on our lower intestines. Between sudden goblin drop ships landing troops wherever we happened to be, having to keep apart from the … Read more

European Nostalgia group starting!

German EQ player Mohanos is looking for people with whom to start a European-time progression group on the Luclin server. Those people who want to see EQ from the beginning once again (or perhaps for the first time), but couldn’t make North American times… might want to check this out 🙂

EQ: All armored up!

The leader of the Tuesday group said we should finish our racial armor quests before next week; I figured I’d get them out of the way today. A variety of wolf furs, various yellowjacket drops, and some iron bricks from goblins. I started at around 6, finished at 11:30. OUCH. Okay, I thought that would … Read more

EQ: The Nights of Befallen

The Friday progression group is pretty hot stuff, but leveling in EverQuest is so fast now that we quickly leveled past a lot of low level content that we really wanted to see. The only cure? More cowbell. Another progression group! Hakiko couldn’t make the Friday progression group, so he went ahead and made another … Read more