Web log 4/19

Welcome to the Sunday Web Log! When’s the new EverQuest server coming? The rumor mill has it that the 51/50 server — new characters start off at level 51 with 50 AAs — is in the bag. Others assume that SOE will be opening a new progression server, and have reactivated their accounts in order … Read more

Web Logging!

The original definition of “blog” was as an abbreviation of “web log”, where you’d point out interesting places you found while surfing. I don’t really have anything to write about today — I did 1.1.11 in LotRO last night on my hunter and started in on the Forsaken Inn quests, and played Free Realms for … Read more

Shards of Dalaya blog: Dalayan Diary

I’d heard wonderful things about Shards of Dalaya, a game built on EverQuest’s assets (and using the EverQuest client) but with a different plot, zone names, zone connections and so on. SOE knows about it and turns a blind eye to it for reasons of their own. Nonetheless, even with the changes, Dalaya gives a … Read more