Dryroot Joins the DDR

Yes, Dryroot has become a nation of Dance Dance Revolution fanatics… Dryroot has left the South Pacific and joined a Germanic region with left-leaning politics. I THINK DDR stands for “Deutsche Demokratische Republik”, but that is probably a) not what it stands for, and b) poorly spelled. Nonetheless, it’s a small region where I can … Read more


New flag for Dryroot. The Wheel represents Dryroot’s nomadic roots. The chocobo represents lunch. The green represents the grasslands through which we roamed, before Dryroot became a barren, inhospitable landscape. Dryroot has an Upper and a Lower Parliament. The Prime Minister, Tarena Schlosschild, addressed the Upper Parliament this morning. I’ll have a transcript up later. … Read more

EverQuest Nostalgia

Before I was the blue-skinned beauty I am today, I was pretty into EQ. I played mostly shorties 🙂 Etha, second from right, a 66 druid, was my first EQ character. She joined United Norrath Coalition at 19, and grew to be the raid officer of that guild, back when the planes of Fear and … Read more

A Trip to Darnassus

I’m building up my leatherworking and I need LOTS of leather. Wetlands seemed like a good place, so I went to the excavation site and decided to thin the raptor population. Sometimes a night elf would come up to me and say something. It took me awhile, but I finally realized from the way they … Read more

Nationstates Update

My economy was crumbling, people were unhappy: I had to make deals with big business. My utopian vision of a Dryroot where free peoples sustain themselves in small, nomadic communities became a relic that had to be abandoned. The environment is still wonky, led, I suspect, by pollution from nearby industrial nations, but I will … Read more