Shadow Priest

After a bout of instances and questing over the weekend, Kanda hit level 40 and gained Shadowform, the end of the Shadow spec tree and the mark of a Shadow priest. When you’re in Shadowform, you can’t heal, but your damage and ability to take damage improves. This makes shadow priests somewhat less desired for … Read more


I’ve always thuoght that metagaming was the real challenge in an MMORPG. The game itself is what it is; do quests, kill stuff, conquer the world, etc. What distinguishes any game is the metagame – a game about the game – that grows around it. You can call it community, call it offtopic, call it … Read more

Just Testing

Checking out my new Kanda avatar. Level 28 now. I don’t dare use it on CE web page; I’m still keeping more or less quiet about playing WoW. One of Tipa, my haffer monk on EQ2.

Sulu is gay?

George Takei says, “I’m gay” People popping out all over! It’s odd and amazing how you can look at a person one day, and at the same person another day, and they become totally different. But hey, if someone had said, which Star Trek cast member is gay, I’d have picked him. I logged on … Read more