Shin Megami Tensei: New mounts and cool stuff!


I was really looking forward to Shin Megami Tensei, I really loved the RPGs upon which the MMO is based, the MMO absolutely nailed the look and feel of the RPGs, the action was smooth and the frame rates high, worked great on my computer. Well, except for the crashing, but it was early beta and they have doubtlessly fixed all that now.
I can’t explain why I am not playing it. It’s a good game!
They sent out an email detailing all the new coolities they’ve added to the game, and I’m feeling a little like maybe this is a game I’d like to come back to.
Their letter of goodies is after the break.

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Shin Megami Tensei: Uberer than thou

Constant disconnects making it impossible to finish any instanced dungeons are getting a little bit aggravating. Talking to other SMT testers while playing DOMO confirms it: It is hard to get a really good sense for the Megaten closed beta when it’s so hard to stay connected in dungeons. And dungeons (and groups to do … Read more

Megaten: Very briefly

Aeria Games never had me sign a NDA for Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine (or in fact, ever, for any of the games I’ve beta’d), so, given that I’m just barely out of the tutorial, here’s some screen shots. Remember, this is from closed beta and what it looks like now may be 100% different by … Read more

Shin Megami Tensei — FTW!

Ever since I first heard that Shin Megami Tensei was being made into an MMO — and that it was coming HERE — I changed my desktop to the SMT: Imagine wallpaper and looked at it every day. Today, I got the golden ticket — I was in! Probably every Aeria Games player got in … Read more