Straight Talk Warhammer: The Dwarf Engineer

Ever since Blizzard created the MMORPG genre with World of Warcraft, generations of people wondered if the genre they invented would end with that game — it was just so good, such a shining gem of perfection, that to add or subtract any one thing to that game would just mar its sublime beauty. And … Read more

Straight Talk Warhammer: The Warrior Priest

Do you remember what life was like before Warhammer Online: The Age of Reckoning? I sure can’t. Well, sometimes it comes in little bits and pieces… a world where to do a raid or join a group, you had to talk to people, and sometimes, make friends. Brrr. We’re all pretty glad THOSE days are … Read more

Straight Talk Warhammer: The Bright Wizard

We’re baaaaaaaack…..! Warhammer Online: The Age of Reckoning, brought public quests to a public quest-less world, Tomes of Knowledge to the forgetful, open groups to the friendless, and in all ways has transformed the world. Warhammer Online has twenty unique classes or ‘careers’, and each one plays like no other class in any other MMO, … Read more

Straight Talk Warhammer: The Inevitable City

40 long years ago, an intrepid Swiss scientist first discovered that aliens had come to Earth many times in our past, always guiding mankind toward sapience, civilization, and the stars. They made us who we are today, and they brought us Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Only the alien intelligences that have already brought us … Read more