Sequencing MMO DNA

I just had a thought, while writing the Mythos article. We all know where Mythos came from. Diablo II game play with a Warcraft art style. Diablo II came from Diablo, and Diablo was heavily influenced by the rogue-likes Moria and Angband, I think? Both those games were inspired by Hack, which was inspired by … Read more

Mythos’ Overworld goes into test

Spent some time in IRC and on the forums waiting with a lot of other Mythos fans for the rumored arrival of Mythos’ Overworld, which turns the heavily-instanced game into a game which rewards exploration and wandering about in the same way Oblivion does. I managed to get it patched (finally), play it for awhile … Read more

All votes are final

Om Fox last night, we got to see the judges fawn over teen belter David Archuletta and damn indie-rocker David Cook with faint praise. Really. If David C. were a girl, Paula would have told him he looked lovely. However, predicts that opinions of the judges aside, David C. has won this by a … Read more