The MMO Nostalgia Challenge

While discussing the possibility of “classic” servers in World of Warcraft, Cameron waxes nostalgic about his own yearning for the simpler days of gnoll-pounding in the Karanas. I loved those days too — my blog is named after one of those old zones, and my header images are all from EQ1, so you know I’m … Read more

Mythos hates hybrids

Mythos will be hitting open beta “real soon now”, so if you haven’t already, you’ll have your chance to get into some free-to-play, Diablo-inspired, action-MMO-RPG fun within weeks. When you get there, though, there’s one thing you really, really have to know when you begin to build your character. Mythos hates hybrids. It’s sad! The … Read more

Bad article ideas: MMO Pinup Calendar

It’s been a little over a week since I started blogging over at Massively, and while I am really enjoying myself, I think I still have a lot to learn about story ideas. It’s all about the page views, right, and what brings in the eyeballs better than our dear old friend, porn. So I … Read more