D&D 4E Shadowfell Keep: There’s always room for pudding!

It was a cursed night when we came across the Pudding… Huh? No, a PUDDING! Mmm closer, not quite there… That’s it. It’s hard to get a restful sleep in a dungeon, especially when you just KNOW a murderous, stinking, backstabbing (literally) hobgoblin had all the time in the world to go through your things … Read more

D&D 4E Shadowfell Keep: Rats, and other pets

…and that was when the Death Star landed right on top of us. No? I’ll get to the meaning of the mysterious shadow in the screenshot above in a bit. Chris, the DM, had been cackling quietly to himself in the corner, muttering “kill them… kiiiilllll themmmmm…. KILL THEM AAAALLLLLL!!!!!” for the past couple of … Read more

D&D4e: A Dripping Bag of Head

Modern MMOs have the right idea. You collect bits of monster and put them in your backpack and don’t give it a second thought. Store them in a bank, why not? Ten years later, your wolf eyeball or cow tongue is gonna be as fresh as when you looted it. Wenner was kinda regretting cutting … Read more