D&D4E: My Dinner with Irontooth

By sunrise, the river had done the hard work of clearing away yesterday’s battle with the kobold frolickers. Some kobold corpses were partially damming the river somewhat downstream, but the owlbears and dire wolves would soon have those cleared away. While any kobolds yet lived, though, the residents of Winterhaven would still be unable to … Read more

D&D 4E: Crouching Halfling, Hidden Kobold

Our time in Winterhaven passed all too quickly. Soon the innkeeper, the Lord Warden and most of the random townsfolk were all too ready to see us go. We’d come for a night and stayed for a fortnight. Even the street sweepers began wondering loudly and openly beneath our windows if there wasn’t some adventuring … Read more

D&D 4E: Footprints in the sand

A dragonborn and a halfling were walking together along a worn and aged road. “Tipa,” said the halfling, “our footprints are mingled with signs of dozens of kobolds. Yet where the kobolds are thickest, I only see one set of footprints. Where were you then?” “Dearest Wenner,” replied the dragonborn. “Those were the times I … Read more

D&D4E: Ding!

After last week's epic battle against an Indiana Jones-style boulder trap and various drakes and kobold lords, what could possibly await us in the cavern below the tower ruins, from whence came the acrid stink of dragonbreath and fear? Could it be……? We sent Wenner, the halfling thief, to check it out. He crept around … Read more