TIS-100 Sequence Indexer

It’s been long enough that I should go over what TIS-100 _IS_. TIS-100 is a programming puzzle game by the makers of SpaceChem (a previous obsession). Where SpaceChem kind of hid the programming knowledge necessary to solve the puzzles beneath a fun graphical abstraction, TIS-100 just strips away the candy coating. TIS-100 simulates a fictional … Read more

The Guild of Dungeoneering

I’m usually a little wary of games that advertise the soundtrack as something you can buy separately. It’s just usually not going to be that memorable… but the songs that sing the tale of your triumphs or, more likely, your defeats, are so hilarious that it might just be worth it to be able to … Read more


I kickstarted Armikrog a few years back. It’s a point and click adventure in the style of Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle and so forth; you solve puzzles by picking stuff up, finding someplace to put it, pressing buttons and so on. You’re not supposed to finish one of these games in a sitting; … Read more


When last the Adventure Company met, we’d tracked some suspicious Cult of the Dragon cultists to a warehouse in which, returning later, we found absolutely nothing suspicious. While in the warehouse, though, we did manage to sign ourselves up as guards to accompany possibly suspicious cargoes right out of Waterdeep to their final destination. Nothing … Read more