Bad article ideas: MMO Pinup Calendar

It’s been a little over a week since I started blogging over at Massively, and while I am really enjoying myself, I think I still have a lot to learn about story ideas. It’s all about the page views, right, and what brings in the eyeballs better than our dear old friend, porn. So I … Read more

Rock Band: Finally, an album to download.

Rock Band’s first complete album download is not… Nevermind or Who’s Next, as we’d been told. It’s Boston’s first album, Boston, which has pretty damn near all the best songs they ever did (I like “Cool the Engines” and “Amanda” off their third…) Did I buy it? Um yeah kinda immediately. Back in high school, … Read more

Sins of a Solar Empire

I just want to start right out with a warning: Sins of a Solar Empire and sleep are incompatible. You can have one or the other; not both. Sins is three games rolled into a yummy package. It’s a 4X game (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit and eXterminate) where you start out in control of a single … Read more

Temple of the Roguelike: How did I miss THIS?

Back in the early 80s, I was too totally proud of my roguelike, real-time dungeon crawl game imaginatively named TG (The Game, clever, huh?), which had some all-time design wins like being real time, fast-paced, and required you to type all your actions out in Zork-like sentences. When a dragon is tracking you down, typing … Read more