Finished Pillars of Eternity!

Well, until the expansion, anyway. One side benefit of an internet outage (I was without internet for most of the weekend) is that all those single player games I never get around to finishing are suddenly totally available! I was pretty close to the ending of Pillars of Eternity last time I played, working on … Read more

Act III: The Anger of the Gods

When I got to Act III in Pillars of Eternity, I stopped. One of the first quests I got asked me to strengthen the future bloodline of a long-established family by culling its weak souls so stronger ones could take their place. The weak soul the quest giver had in mind was currently in a … Read more

Suddenly, a dragon…

I kinda figured there'd be a dragon at the bottom of the Endless Paths. I knew there was an achievement for killing all the dragons in Pillars of Eternity, and I hadn't seen any, yet. Some mean old drakes, but no actual dragons. This is the first. Given what a tough fight Od Nua gave … Read more

Tanks for all the help…

Darna was a long time, well-respected member of Team Tanglewood. I loved her from the moment I first recruited her back at the Black Hound Inn in the Gilded Vale. I made her a monk, because I needed a tank, and I thought someone whose power operated from wounds would fit the bill. I found … Read more