Stargrace had figured out how to talk between Vanguard and EQ2, so we were chatting. I was flitting between various characters looking for a group and a little bored. I’d two boxed the last of my armor quests for my (level 31) brigand earlier, and having made a bunch of mastercraft poisons with my alchemist and gotten her Adept 3 combat arts made with my jeweler, so I was ready to go kill and slay but… no groups!
There was possibly a group in CT for my 41 bruiser (named Tipa!), but I got a little derailed. While swapping accounts, I decided to check (just for fun!) if I still had Vanguard installed. I did, and after a bit of patching found myself once more in the world of Telon, in my persona as a level 5 halfling bard.
Yeah, real stretch.
I startled Stargrace half to death by sending her a tell (we’d JUST been talking, cross-game, with me in EQ2), and said I would not leave until I’d seen her house. So like, where is it?
“Um, East. WAY east. ALL THE WAY east.”
So I took some sightings off the sun, took one last look at my compass, and headed east. Where I was swallowed by nasty critters.
Satia (as she’s known there) took pity, and logged in an alt to show me the way to her home.
We took rented griffins there. It took me a little while to figure out how to work it.
Here’s how I expected it to work: Rent griffin, you appear on a griffin, and then you start flying.
And here’s how it actually worked: Rent griffin, get a harness in your inventory. Click harness. Go to the character screen. Click on the tab with the saddle icon on it. Click (or was it right click?) the griffon harness in the flying mount box. And you’re ready to fly! It’s JUST THAT SIMPLE! Hit the space bar twice (huh?) to take off and try to avoid nasty flying things.
But with that done, off we went, east and more east, until we landed at her comfy home. There were some weed-filled abandoned lots nearby that the developer really should keep cleared. You don’t want ticks and fleas in your house.
Satia showed me her wonderful home, and it did really look nice and comfy. We had fun trying to sleep on the beds, but that was bugged.
That would be a recurring theme for me, unfortunately.
LOTS more after the jump.