How did you get ready for the expansion? Do anything special?
First thing I did was to recreate one of my beta characters onto a live server. My son was all excited when I told him I was saving her from deletion by copying her to live. He was hoping you could copy level 80 characters from beta to live, but alas, I just copied her design. She’s just an ordinary level 1 Arasai in Darklight Woods, but she’ll escape the wipe.
Back on beta, she did the Sokokar quest just to save a run to Teren’s Grasp. It’s a really easy quest.
I also a week or so ago moved my inquisitor to my necromancer’s account — before, both my level 70s were on the same account. That came about because I started my inquisitor on Antonia Bayle, then restarted on Faydark as a troubador to play with friends. I’d level them both. When SOE let us have free transfers when the servers were consolidating, I brought all my characters to Befallen (with which Faydark merged) because I believe I could not transfer my non-AB characters *to* AB. I also had a couple of characters on Lavastorm.
I got around.
Anyway, I broke her off so I could level my characters together, or at least do some quests together.
So this morning, when I rebooted my Linux machine into Windows, I found out that Windows had crashed. So now I have to figure that whole drama out. It wants an administrator password to repair, and apparently that password is not one of my usual ones, so I guess all I can do is wipe it, reinstall Windows, and copy EQ back from my laptop. The saddest part is, that was the only computer I had that could play EQ1. So now I have to buy EQ1 again TOO. YAY. Maybe I’ll level my EQ1 cleric from 75 to 80 at some point.
I have six high level collections waiting to turn in. That mainly involved broker diving — some of the rare collection bits were stupid expensive, but some were cheap and high level, and those I did.
I also dumped a lot of masters and adepts I had gathering dust onto the broker. Those should be good for another 5p or so, over time.
I foraged a bunch of T1 rares with my island character — my level 10 coercer who is still on the Isle of Refuge, for the sole reason that the island is the best place to harvest T1 rares. Its uncanny. They are everywhere. And after I do the T1 stuff for Winterspring, I’ll be placing the rest on the broker for the use of young Sarnak.
I removed the ProfitUI. Kunark brings massive UI changes. Once those filter to Profit UI, I’ll put it back.
My first priority when the servers come back up will be to level my jeweler to level 80. That’s the absolute, number one priority. I’ll have to do a lot of harvesting, which is fine as I will need the rares for my adept 3 troubador arts as I level — this was the reason I made a jeweler in the first place, to support my main’s leveling.
More importantly even than that, having an active, T8 jeweler will help finance my main’s leveling. Maybe get some masters, though they will certainly be overpriced at the start.
I’ll certainly try to get some RoK groups, but I am not that worried about my main’s levels — not yet. I know the levels will come, but see no reason to hurry through the expansion at breakneck pace. We have a year before the next expansion, no need to rush things.
9 thoughts on “EQ2: Preparing for Kunark”
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Profit UI is actually updated for RoK, not sure if you use the auto updater or not, but the changes (there’s only persona window, crafting window, aa window, mail window, and a few other small ones off hand, I made a list at one point or another) have been updated and by the time the game is back up the dload should be ready. I know I did a patch for profit this morning and he had unintentionally released the RoK one ahead of time.
Oh, and curious, when was the moves that you were talking about here? Since I moved to AB with all my characters in the last transfer, I know it worked just fine, but I know that this is also the 2nd time they’ve allowed moves, and the first time AB was not an option (dang it you should have moved to AB!).
It was the first time. I totally missed the second time, which would have saved me $100 moving my SK to acct 1 and my inq to acct 2.
Just my EQ1 guild had decided to start a branch on Faydark… not AB…
I knew a lot of people on AB when I started EQ2 on Day 1, but after I restarted on Faydark I lost touch with most of them, though oddly, one of the people who was on my friends list — which still works even though I changed servers — is still active. Antonia.Garaphax, Dera says “Hi!”. I doubt he remembers me. I don’t remember him, but he was probably one of the people I met who helped me betray Qeynos way way way back when. Betraying to Freeport was one of the first things I did, which pissed off my Q guild, who were counting on me to be a templar. After I betrayed, I was guildless until I changed servers.
Anyway, by the time the merge came, AB wasn’t an option, so I joined my son on Befallen. If they open up free transfers again, I might well pick up the crew and return to AB. I really liked it there
That’s good news on ProfitUI. I went back to the default in beta and it really, really reminded me why I use Profit.
All my plans to prepare for RoK went to phut. Last two bonus XP weekends saw me ingame for about an hour during the +50% period maximum. *shakefist RL*
My ‘zerker seems to be running around chasing his tail in the mid-50s with half his journal greyed out and half his journal needing groups / a bit more clobber to complete. Alt account is being reactivated (well,it’s nearly the holidays and the youngling will want to play. He *will* want to play, even if I have to superglue him to the keyboard. Again.) so that’ll let me log on at my weird EU times and still have a healer in tow.
As for my toons on the EU servers… they’re still sitting around in their Frostfell finery, eating turkey and drinking ale. (Seriously, logged onto one of them and he was still ‘very drunk’. What a hangover that gnome is going to have, around 2008…).
So, other than gathering a ton of TS resources and making sure this evening is clear of RL interference… that’s about it.
(Except have now been ‘told’ that we will be ‘going out’ for the evening. Hmm. Wonder if I could superglue Mrs Alma to the kboard instead…)
I might have to try this profitui. Does it really make a big difference?
Some, but it makes all your icons all tiny so I have to yank things out of it. My eyes can’t read little text. It has a lot of nice automation features which help when you’re healing; you can see at a glance what debuffs someone has and cure them with a click. And it puts health for everything in percentages.
It also adds a bunch of garbage to the screen I never use. I might go for a pick&choose interface that keeps the things I like and lets the default UI show through everywhere else. Most of the default UI is quite nice. Profit UI has the best broker window, though, I have ever seen.
Well, a lot of things are also re-sizeable, and depending on the resolution you play on. I love it. Mostly because for healers, it is pretty much a necessity. Especially raiding healers, as it has “click to cure” buttons, you see a dot in your grp window, you click it, and it auto-casts your highest level of cure to get rid of it. No more switching targets when you’re healing through the mob to cure your group. I also love the broker window, customizable bags, and group window. Etc etc. The default has come a long way since release, but I’m glued to profit now.
Never tried Profit UI.. but I absolutely swear down by Fetish Nightmare UI mod…simply awesome. Especially the info centre and persona bar.
Profit UI has come a long way since I last updated it. Now it’s even slicker. I’ll be rolling it out to all my characters once I tune it to my liking. The broker window is tough to beat.